Carpak Distributors Corporation

We have been operating since 1990 with warehouses in Burnaby, B.C. and Edmonton, AB.
Services offered include:

Fee Warehousing
For LTL and full truckload shipments we are mainly using Van-Kam Freightways but again have the ability to use any other Trucking company of your desire. With the volume of shipments we move through DHL, Purolator and Van-Kam Freightways we have negotiated extremely competitive rates that you would of course be able to take advantage of.

Storage Facility
This service is designed for Manufacturers or Distributors who are in need of Long Term or Short Term storage of their products without the costly expense of running your own operation.

Third Party Logistics
This service is designed for those who are in need of specific handling of products without the costly expense of running your own operation.

Our hours of operation are currently Monday to Friday 8AM to 5PM.


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